[PS2] Grand Theft Auto III Walkthrough - #14 - Asuka's Missions Part 2

2016-10-08 11

[PS2] Grand Theft Auto III Walkthrough - Part #14
This part presents all the remaining missions from Asuka Kasen.

Mission playtime list:
01:51 - "Bait"
08:17 - "Espresso-2-Go!"
16:48 - "S.A.M."
25:10 - "Ransom"
Part 1: http://dai.ly/x3vtvms
Played on: Sony PlayStation 2.
Recorded with: EasyCAP Video Grabber
Edited with: Sony Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 10.0

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This part was supposed to present all the missions, taken from D-Ice (the leader of Red Jacks). However, due to the glitch that happened to me, it is impossible to accomplish any single one job from the 'employer', especially the first one. If you want to know more about the glitch, check the website below, as it should give you more detailed informations.